The page weather in Calpe, gives updates every 15 seconds updated with the weather data measured from the davis weatherstation. On this page there is a whole summary of information about the weather in Calpe at this moment. From the Temperature Humidity to UV and Solar information on the evaporation the sun and wind have for effect each day.
For the passed or history weather information you can look at the weather-graphs Graphs or the daily data temperature and wind or Sun Hours. For the forecast you can look at the calpe forcast page Calpe forecast or the european weather forecast for your calpe or own town European weather forecasts
Calpe is a town on the south east coast of Spain. The typically Spanish fishery town has evolved to touristic town/city with large hotels and apartment building with in the back-country urbanization’s and old and new finca’s. Unlike to many other Coastal regions the tourism in Calpe is your-round due to its mild and dry climate in the winter period. Which attracts many hikers ,cyclist and people from all over Europe to escape the wind/rain/snow for longer periods. 60% of the population in Calpe is foreign .