Category Archives: en_only

Maintenance & Webcam archive working again

Today did some maintenance on the webserver. Hopefully the site will be faster again after clearing up the database behind meteocalpe.
Also the Webcam archive wasn’t working properly for a long time, now fixed! Also the Valencian Rainradar is functioning again.

For some reason also the last day of the month isn’t updating the last day of the month, in the weather history will be updating them manually shortly.
-twitter not updating on frontpage.
-adding some extra content flightradar
-add cycling information Calpe

if you spotted more bugs’s or interesting info to be added please comment below.
Thank you


Welcome to the new page of Meteo Calpe!

There are some new features and some repaired functions. Of course, the appearance again is changed into a more modern layout.
The most important features are all there again, and maybe some will return in the future.

From now Meteo Calpe will also give UV data and Sunshine data, that are provided by the newly installed meteo/weather station, “Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus” 6163EU this also has an actively cooled temperature hut for the most accurate measurements possible.

Enjoy your stay!