Today did some maintenance on the webserver. Hopefully the site will be faster again after clearing up the database behind meteocalpe.
Also the Webcam archive wasn’t working properly for a long time, now fixed! Also the Valencian Rainradar is functioning again.
For some reason also the last day of the month isn’t updating the last day of the month, in the weather history will be updating them manually shortly.
-twitter not updating on frontpage.
-adding some extra content flightradar
-add cycling information Calpe
if you spotted more bugs’s or interesting info to be added please comment below.
Thank you
Just a quick note to thank you very much for publishing this really useful website. It is great to have a site which actually shows me what I want and doesn’t bombard me with adverts. It is what we have always wanted the internet to be!
May I ask whereabouts your weather station is situated? I guess it is inland a mile or so as the temperatures are usually slightly higher (a degree or two) than my amateur measurements made near the port.
I have been visiting Calpe since 1986 and still manage to come 3 or 4 times a year. I look at your site nearly every day to keep in touch and compare the weather with the dull stuff I see out of my window here in England.
Keep up the good work,
Thanks for the compliment, yes the weather station(Davis 6163 Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus) is about 2km from the shore and 120 meters above sealevel (colina del sol) and its true that it its usually a bit warmer than directly on the shoreline. The wind direction is key in this, especially in spring season when the wind is from the south or south-east there will be 2c difference between the weather station and the shore. The humid sea-wind will dry out and quickly heat by the km. The difference within 10km the temperature can rise up-to 10c in the jalon valley. The upside is the sea will keep us warmer in winter-time day and night, and cooler at daytime in summer.
With other winds the difference will be less or non-existing.
The Marina alta(Calpe,Denia,jalon), has a true micro-climate because its surrounded by sea and mountain’s this means the rain en temperature can differ immensely on short distances.